

All media content provided by reprogram-yourself is intended for entertainment or educational purposes only. None of this content is intended to offer, or replace, qualified medical or health-related advice. All hypnosis is self-hypnosis and must be regarded as such. The author accepts no responsibility or liability whatsoever for any injury, loss or damage in any shape or form incurred in part or in whole, as a direct or indirect result of use or reliance upon the information and material presented here. Do not listen to this material whilst driving or operating machinery, where it is not safe for you to relax and fall asleep. Reiki/ Angelic Healing session given is for the purpose of stress reduction, and relaxation. The Reiki session is not substituted for medical, or psychological diagnosis and treatment. Reiki/ Angelic healing practitioners do not diagnose conditions, nor do they prescribe, perform medical treatments, nor prescribe substances, nor interfere with treatments of a licensed medical professional. It is recommended that you see a licensed physician, or licensed health care professional for any physical, or psychological ailment you have.