
Power of meditation

Power of Meditation

Meditation has many incredible benefits. Meditation is one of the best things you can do for yourself. It can completely change your quality of life, as well as your perception of anything and everything— all in the most positive way possible.
Meditation has been proven to reduce anxiety and depression, boost energy, and increase clarity. When you meditate, you access deeper brainwave states, helping to clear distracting thoughts, reduce stress and boost brainpower. Meditation also helps you reach a spiritual connection and a deeper state of awareness and wholeness.
The most successful people in the world meditate and there is a reason why.

Benefits of Meditation

  1. Meditation can change the brain’s structure in just eight weeks.
  2. Meditation reduces stress and anxiety. Literally decreases the density of brain tissue associated with anxiety and worrying.
  3. Research shows that meditation improves the cognition learning process (reasoning and understanding) and increases your ability to perform tasks requiring focus.
  4. Meditation improves memory and increases the ability to store and consolidate new information.
  5. Increases your creativity
  6. Improves your ability to make decisions and makes you feel more centered and emotional stable
  7. It improves your cardiovascular health and reduces the risk of heart disease.  It also reduces blood pressure
  8. Can help build the immune system and make you more resistant to viruses and infections
  9. Reduce mental and physical pain and many more benefits.

What is meditation?

Meditation is a practice that has been used for thousands of years. Meditation originated from the Latin word “meditatio” which means to think, ponder, or contemplate. Meditation is a process of training your mind to focus and redirect your thoughts on the object of meditation. This can be your breath, an affirmation, mantra, anything. The challenge is to keep bringing the attention back whenever it wanders and to disengage it from other things. Meditation is the personal practice of calming your mind and quieting your mental chatter. In meditation, your mind focuses on the present moment. Meditation can be practiced for religious, spiritual, or relaxation purposes.

What is mindfulness meditation?

Mindfulness meditation also called insight meditation, this may be among the most well-known of all the practices. Mindfulness is a form of meditation, that generally focuses on being in the present moment, observing the events occurring around you as well as being aware of your thoughts and feelings. Your goal is not to judge these thoughts and feelings but rather let them pass by without attachment. This is an excellent practice to help you raise your self-awareness. By practicing mindfulness meditation, you will begin to realize how your feelings and thoughts have a certain pattern. Your inner balance will begin to develop, and you will begin to see how you may judge whether an experience is good or bad.

How to meditate?

  1. Find a quiet place. Make yourself comfortable and close your eyes.
  2. Focus your attention on your breathing. Inhale the air through your nose and exhale through your mouth. Notice your abdomen rising and falling while the air comes in and out of your body.
  3. Pay attention to each thought as it enters and leaves your mind. Don’t ignore these, regardless of what they are—worries, fears, anxiety, or any hopes. Don’t suppress them. Just remain calm and take notice of them.
  4. If you find yourself investing any type of emotion into these thoughts, observe where your mind went, then return to focusing on your breathing for a short time. Don’t get upset with yourself for dwelling on these thoughts.
  5. Remember meditation is a practice, and like every practice it takes time. Be patient and gentle with yourself.
  6. When you finished slowly gain awareness of where you are and open your eyes.

What is transcendental meditation?

This is generally considered the Western world’s first mass introduction to meditation, thanks to The Beatles. It’s the most scientifically researched form of meditation. With more than 600 clinical studies published in some 100 journals, not only common people like you and me but the medical community as well, have learned of the myriad benefits of meditation. Transcendental meditation is a technique that requires no mental effort at all. It involves the use of sound or mantra for 15-20 minutes a day while sitting with the eyes closed. In some cases, the mantra is recited silently. It is a technique for avoiding distractions and inducing a state of relaxed awareness that is said to be one of the most widely practiced meditation techniques in the world. During a session of transcendental meditation, practitioners say that the ordinary thinking process is transcended and replaced with a state of pure consciousness, completely free from mental boundaries. You can use any mantra that works for you. Additionally, it doesn’t matter whether you repeat this word or phrase out loud or silently. Those who practice and teach Transcendental Meditation recommend two twenty-minute sessions daily.

How to do transcendental meditation?

  1. Sit in a comfortable position with your feet on the ground. Keep your spine as straight as possible without it becoming uncomfortable. Make sure your arms and legs are not crossed.
  2. Gently close your eyes and take a nice deep breath in and release it. Relax.
  3. Place your hands on your lap, with your palms facing up.
  4. Repeat your mantra or Sanskrit sound. For beginners, starting with short and easy-to-remember mantras is recommended. The most commonly used mantra is “OM”. You may even use non-traditional mantras by using words like “peace”, or “love”.
  5. Stay in the present moment. If you find your mind wandering simply and gently return to your mantra.
  6. After your session is over, slowly bring your awareness to your body.
  7. Gently open your eyes.

What is a guided meditation?

Guided meditation is basically listening to a person read out instructions to you, occasionally giving out tips and generally guiding the flow of your thoughts and the movement of your breath. Rather than doing it all on your own, guided meditation makes it easier to reach a deep, undisturbed state of peace and silence in your mind. Guided meditation is recommended for beginners learning to meditate however even experienced meditators can get a lot of benefits from guided meditation, especially aimed at specific topics such as stress and anxiety.

Guided meditation for sleep

The lack of sleep can make it hard for us to get through the entire day without feeling completely drained and exhausted by the end of it— not to mention the many negative side-effects that lack of sleep has. That’s where my guided meditation for sleep comes in. This meditation can help when you have trouble sleeping or have insomnia and allows for deeper and more restful sleep. Guided meditation for sleep.

Guided meditation for anxiety

This guided meditation is known to relieve stress and reduce anxiety, especially anxiety in social settings. Just a few minutes of meditation can do a lot for your own well-beingThis guided meditation rewires the brain to be less anxious and changes the way our brain responds to stress in a positive way. By training your brain to view your thoughts differently, you find a better way to deal with anxiety and stress, especially in public. Guided meditation for anxiety.

Guided meditation for positive energy

This meditation will help you increase your vibration and change your self-image. The higher vibration there is in the universe is a vibration of love. Allow positive energy into your mind and body and change your destiny with this self-love guided meditation. Guided meditation for self-love.

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