
Why self-love is the key to finding your soulmate

There is a huge misconception about romantic relationships. Most of us believe that relationship supposed to make us happy. Having someone special in your life can’t make you happy.
Happiness is an inside job. It comes from within, not from external sources or other people. Relationships only intensify what you already feeling about yourself and life.
Other people simply reflect your beliefs about life and yourself back to you.
A happy person entering into a relationship likely will become even happier, and an unhappy person entering into a relationship likely will become even unhappier. People just mirror back to you what you already are. What exactly is being mirrored? It’s not your behavior, not your looks, not your self-expression. They mirror back the believes and the perceptions you have about yourself.
That’s why the person with low self-esteem is often abuse in the relationship. They think of themselves as flaw or unworthy of love and appreciation or even deserving a punishment. Those beliefs are not only picked up by another person but they maybe express by the other person possibly in the form of abuse.
What you bring into relationship is what you take from it.
Whether is happiness, sadness, self love or self-hate.
You learned to put others first. Setting aside time for self-love causes feelings of guilt and shame. This is an old programming that you inherited from your childhood.
Your first objective should be to love yourself and make yourself happy.
Because when you are happy the rest of the details will take care of itself  and usually those around you will be happier.  As you love yourself you will realize what you deserve and create your own definition of love.
The moment you will start loving yourself, you will experience shifts- positive shifts. Your life will begin to move forward with more ease and things will begin to fall into place. Your life will start feel good and at ease. When you begin your love affair with yourself, you will stop seeking happiness outside of you. You will stop seeking approval of people that you can’t control. In other words you will gain more control over your happiness and your life.
It’s really simple! The more love you show yourself, the better you feel. And the better you feel the happier you become.  You are in charge of your happiness, and self-love is the key to finding it.
Loving yourself is magical- it’s a divine relationship that will help you radically improve every single aspect of your life.
When you love yourself and you are happy, people will be drawn to you, you will be irresistible.  The magic of self -love will attract your soul mate into your life.
Do yourself a favor and love yourself more, because as you do more love will come to you in ways you may have never realized or knew.
Generate the love within, radiate it out, feel “in love” and you will be a strong attractive magnet, an irresistible force! 
To attract your soul mate please check our self-love hypnosis!

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